Request a Program

Last Updated: September 20, 2023

Standard Enrollment Agreement

You certify the below:

By submitting this Enrollment Agreement (“Agreement”), you are agreeing to enroll the child/children indicated above (“Your Child” or “Your Children”) in the class indicated above (“Selected Class”). Enrollment in the Selected Class requires that you accept all terms and conditions of this Agreement, as well as the Soccer Stars Website Terms of Use and Soccer Stars Privacy Policy referenced below, by checking the box below each of them, agreeing to their terms.

Your Child(ren)’s enrollment in the Selected Class is subject to availability. Once we receive an executed copy of this Agreement from you, together with applicable payment, we will work to secure Your Child(ren)’s spot in the Selected Class.  If the Selected Class is full at the time that your request is processed, we will not charge your credit card and we will notify you that the Selected Class is unavailable.  If we are able to secure Your Child(ren)’s spot in the Selected Class, a confirmation of enrollment will be sent to the email address provided by you above.

Soccer Stars Terms & Conditions

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully as they form a binding agreement.

Who We Are

Welcome, and thank you for your interest in Soccer Stars classes.  

Soccer Stars (as defined in the ‘Contracting Parties’ section below and together with our affiliates and subsidiaries, “Soccer Stars,” “we,” “us” or “our”) provides (a) in-person programs of classes (e.g., live classes at a Soccer Stars location, partner location or public space) (“In-Person Instruction”) and (b) virtual / digital programs of classes, services and content (“Virtual Instruction”) through: (i) Soccer Stars websites (e.g., Soccer Stars @HOME and Soccer Stars Live Stream) (“Soccer Stars Website(s)”), (ii) mobile, desktop, or device applications (e.g., Soccer Stars Skills + Drills), (iii) video conferencing platforms (e.g., Zoom and Google Meet), and (iv) Soccer Stars-controlled social media accounts (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, X). The services provided by Soccer Stars (including all Soccer Stars-controlled digital outlets, e.g., the Soccer Stars Websites), whether provided through the In-Person Instruction and/or Virtual Instruction, shall be collectively referred to as the “Soccer Stars Services” or the “Services.” 

By purchasing or using the Services, having Your Child(ren) attend In-Person Instruction, accessing or using any part of the Virtual Instruction, and/or visiting, browsing, or using the Soccer Stars website, you (also referred herein to as a “user”) acknowledge that you have read, understood, accept and agree to abide by this Agreement, which forms a binding agreement between you and us. If you are not eligible to access or use the Services, or you do not agree to any portion of this Agreement, then you do not have our permission to access or use the Soccer Stars Services.  


This Agreement refers to and incorporates the following additional documents/terms, which also apply to your use of the Services: 

Our Privacy Policy, which can be found on the Soccer Stars website ( (the “Privacy Policy”), sets out the terms relating to any personal data we may collect from you or that you provide to us, how we process any such personal data, and with whom we share that information.  Our Privacy Policy also provides information about the use of cookies with respect to the Services;

Our Website Terms of Use which can be found on the Soccer Stars Website ( (the “Website Terms”), which sets out the terms relating to your use of and interaction with the Soccer Stars Website;

Any special terms which apply to a particular product and/or service offered by us, or any terms or rules that are specific to the region and/or specific Service in which you enroll Your Child(ren) (“Special Terms”).  You will be notified of such Special Terms and your use of such product and/or service will be subject to those additional terms and conditions, which are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. In the event of any inconsistency between this Agreement and the Special Terms, the Special Terms will take precedence; and

All additional terms, policies, rules, or guidelines applicable to the Services or certain features of the Services that we may post on or link to from the Services from time to time. 


At any time, we may amend this Agreement at our sole discretion. If a change to this Agreement materially modifies your rights or obligations, Soccer Stars will make reasonable efforts to notify you of the change, which efforts may include, without limitation, posting the updated Agreement on the Soccer Stars Websites, sending a message to your email address if you have one on file, or the Services may generate a pop-up or similar notification when you log in for the first time after such material changes are made. The new Agreement will be effective immediately and apply to any continued or new use of any Services, it being understood that disputes arising under this Agreement will be resolved in accordance with the version of this Agreement that was in effect at the time the dispute arose. Your continued use of the Services after a revised version of this Agreement has become effective indicates that you have read, understood, and agreed to the revised version of this Agreement. If you don’t agree to be bound by the updated Agreement, then you may no longer use the Services.


You must be at least 18 years of age, or the age of legal majority in your jurisdiction of residence, to purchase Services for Your Child(ren).

By agreeing to this Agreement, you hereby agree to the waiver and release set forth in this Agreement and that you represent and warrant that: (a) you are at least 18 years of age (or the age of legal majority in your jurisdiction of residence); (b) you are Your Child(ren)’s participants custodial parent/legal guardian; (c) you will accompany and monitor Your Child(ren)’s use of the Services; (d) you have not previously been suspended or removed from the Services; and € your registration and your use or Your Child(ren)’s use of the Service is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations applicable to you. We may, in our sole discretion, refuse to offer the Services to any person or entity and change the eligibility criteria at any time. The right to access and use the Services may be revoked at any time where this Agreement and/or use of the Services is prohibited or conflicts with any applicable law, rule or regulation. Further, the Services are offered only for your personal, non-commercial use, and not for the use or benefit of any third party.


If Your Child(ren) miss(es) a class, we may offer a free make-up class (one per season), contingent on availability and at the sole discretion of Soccer Stars management. Additional make-up classes beyond any free make-up classes offered by Soccer Stars are available for a fee of Thirty United States Dollars ($30 USD) per make-up class and are contingent on availability and at the sole discretion of Soccer Stars management. All make-up classes must be scheduled and canceled no less than twenty-four (24) hours before the scheduled start time. All make-up class requests must be made before the end of the current season; under no circumstances will make-up classes carry over to any other Soccer Stars seasons.  No make-up classes may be scheduled the first or last week of a season.  In the event that you decide to withdraw Your Child(ren), you will forfeit the remaining classes in the season.

For questions or support with the purchase or cancellation of Services or to close your account, please contact


With respect to In Person Instruction, you agree to the following:

  1. Absolutely no toys or snacks out of their containers during class. 
  2. Children who wear glasses must use shatterproof eyewear at all times. 
  3. Children must wear secure sneakers (preferably indoor soccer shoes), or they will not be allowed to participate.
  4. Children should wear comfortable clothes – sweatpants or shorts are recommended. 
  5. Soccer Stars is not responsible for you or Your Child(ren)’s personal belongings; please keep your items with you at all times.
  6. You agree to supervise, or designate a responsible adult to supervise, Your Child(ren) prior to and immediately after his/her/their Soccer Stars activities. Regardless of the age of Your Child(ren), you understand that you must remain in the immediate vicinity of the class at all times. 
  7. If Soccer Stars provides a t-shirt or jersey for a child enrolled in a Service, we ask that such t-shirt or jersey be worn in class at all times. T-shirts and jerseys are mailed by our partners within seven to fourteen (7-14) days from confirmation of your enrollment in a Service to the address you provided to us during enrollment, unless otherwise noted.
  8. Water bottles and sunscreen (for outdoor classes) are recommended to be brought by and used by Your Child(ren).


Refunds will not be issued for non-attendance at a scheduled class, for any unscheduled cancellation by site staff, or for any school, site or field closure due to Force Majeure Event (as defined in the Website Terms). Should you choose to withdraw Your Child(ren) from enrollment in any program, you may do so at any time by providing written notice to us at specifying Your Child(ren)’s name(s) and the program(s) from which you are withdrawing. So long as such program has not been cancelled by us as permitted hereunder, in the Website Terms, or in the Special Terms, then if your written notice or withdrawal is received by us before the fourth (4th) class of any program, you will be issued a pro-rata refund for remaining classes left in such program, less a Thirty-Five United States Dollars ($35 USD) administrative fee. If such written notice is received by us during or after the fourth (4th) class of any program, no refund will be given.


You hereby irrevocably grant permission to the Released Parties (as defined below) and their agents to take and utilize photographs, videos, or any type of recordings of you, Your Child(ren), and anyone accompanying you/Your Child(ren) while engaged in the Services, Soccer Stars activities and/or any programs conducted by Soccer Stars.  You, on behalf of yourself, Your Child(ren), and anyone accompanying you or Your Child(ren) to Soccer Stars activities, irrevocably consent and waive all rights with respect to our use, reproduction, sale, dissemination and distribution of any and all photographs, images, videos, motion pictures, recordings, or any other depiction of any kind of you, Your Child(ren), anyone accompanying you or Your Child(ren) to Soccer Stars activities, for any legitimate purpose in perpetuity, including, without limitation, live streaming, digital content, advertising and promotional materials, and/or related purposes, and waive all rights to compensation and other rights which may arise as a result (including any rights under N.Y. Civil Rights Law 50).  You understand and agree that the contact information you have provided herein will be added to the distribution list for Soccer Stars and shared with partner and affiliate programs.


If you choose to provide input and suggestions regarding the Services (“Feedback”), then you hereby grant Soccer Stars an unrestricted, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, fully-paid, royalty-free right to exploit the Feedback in any manner and for any purpose, including to improve the Services and create other products and services, and without any notice, compensation or other obligation to you.


If Your Child(ren) is/are sick, we ask that you do not bring him/her/them to class in order for us to maintain a healthy and safe environment. 

You certify that Your Child(ren) has/have no known medical or other conditions that could interfere with his/her/their safe participation in the Services.  You understand and agree that Soccer Stars has the right to terminate the enrollment of any child from Soccer Stars if it, in its sole discretion, determines that the continued attendance of the child in the program is not in the best interest of the child or the program. You, on behalf of yourself, Your Child(ren) and/or other accompanying individuals, consent to administration of first aid and other medical treatment and related services, including emergency transport, in the event of injury or illness in connection with participation in the Services and hereby release and indemnify the Released Parties from any and all liability or claims arising out of such treatment and/or services. You understand and agree that in case of an allergic reaction, you are the first person responsible for attending to and treating Your Child(ren).  Soccer Stars coaches are authorized to administer medication or EpiPens only if a separate medical waiver has been completed.  Waivers may be obtained from customer service.  You understand and agree that Soccer Stars coaches and staff are not permitted to change diapers or assist Your Child(ren) with other bathroom duties and that those requirements must be met by yourself or your designated caregiver.


You acknowledge the contagious nature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) and other viruses and/or bacteria that you, Your Child(ren) and other accompanying individuals may be exposed to by participating in the programs (collectively, “Communicable Disease(s)”), and voluntarily assume the risk that you, Your Child(ren), and other accompanying individuals, may come into contact with or infected by such Communicable Disease(s) by attending and/or participating in In-Person Instruction and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death.  You understand that the risk of becoming exposed to Communicable Disease(s) or persons with disease caused by such Communicable Disease(s) at the locations for In-Person Instruction may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of yourself and others, including, but not limited to, other participants in the Services, Soccer Stars activities and/or any programs conducted by Soccer Stars or any Released Party.

You knowingly and voluntarily agree to comply with and adhere to all Communicable Disease-related safety and risk mitigation practices, including those for COVID-19, during Your Child(ren)’s attendance and participation in In-Person Instruction or any other in person Soccer Stars classes, programs and activities, whether communicated verbally or in writing.  Such practices may include, but are not limited to: (a) bringing Your Child(ren)’s own equipment (e.g., soccer balls and pinnies); (b) recognizing social distancing practices (i.e., maintaining 6-feet of space between you (or Your Child[ren]) and other individuals); (c) wearing a proper face mask; and (d) washing hands and/or using hand sanitizer frequently and avoiding touching of the face. You acknowledge and agree that you, and Your Child(ren)’s compliance with these safety and mitigation practices is not only for your own benefit but also for the benefit of other participants in the In-Person Instruction or any other in person Soccer Stars classes, programs and activities.  You voluntarily assume the risk that you, on behalf of yourself, and Your Child(ren), may be exposed to Communicable Disease(s)or persons with infection caused by Communicable Disease(s)as a result from a failure to comply with such practices.

In an effort to curtail the risks of contracting Communicable Disease(s), you agree not to attend In-Person Instruction or any other in person Soccer Stars classes, programs and activities if Your Child(ren) is/are sick or if, within the fourteen (14) day period prior to a Soccer Stars class, program and/or activity, (i) there has been a suspected/confirmed case of infection from Communicable Disease(s) in your household, (ii) you, Your Child(ren), and/or other household members have experienced any symptoms of any Communicable Disease(s) including, without limitation, fever, cough or shortness of breath; or (iii) you, Your Child(ren), and/or other household members have been in close contact with a person known to have any Communicable Disease(s) (or any known symptoms thereof).  If Soccer Stars believes in its sole judgment that a participant in a Soccer Stars class, program and/or activity has contracted any Communicable Disease(s), then Soccer Stars may cancel In-Person Instruction related to such Soccer Stars class, program and/or activity for a quarantine period. No refunds or credits will be given for Services canceled for Communicable Disease-related safety concerns.  


Except as explicitly stated otherwise, legal notices will be served on Soccer Stars by registered mail sent to Round Star NY, LLC, 606 Columbus Ave, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10024 Attn: Legal. Legal notices will be served on you by the email address you provide during the registration process if you are a registered user or by posting through the Services if you are not. Notice by email will be deemed given 24 hours after email is sent, unless Soccer Stars is notified that the email address is invalid. Notice given by either party by mail will be deemed given three days after the date of mailing (to US addresses) or seven (7) days after the date of mailing (for non-US addresses). Notice by posting on the Service will be deemed given thirty (30) days after it is initially posted.

You consent to receive all communications including notices, agreements, disclosures, or other information from Soccer Stars electronically. We may communicate with you by email or by posting to the Services.


Your questions or comments are always welcome. You may contact us by writing to us at the address in the Legal Notices section, by emailing us at; or by calling us at +1 (212) 877-7171.

All administrative questions must be referred to our office, not to the coaches.  


This is an agreement between you and the applicable Soccer Stars business entity for In-Person Instructions listed in the Website Terms.

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